We are delighted that you are interested in registering with The Harbour Medical Practice. To make the registration process as smooth as possible, we have outlined the steps you need to follow:
Please follow this link to check you are in our boundary area. SCW|CSU HealthGIS
You can register online by following this link https://gp-registration.nhs.uk/Y00080
Or you can download and complete a registration pack that can be found at the bottom of this section. Please ensure that you complete all sections, including the town you were born, previous GP (if applicable) and please remember to sign the purple form. Return this paperwork to the surgery and you will then be registered. We advise all patients to ensure they have enough medication from their previous surgery for 28 days. You can also pick up a Registration pack from Reception.
If you would like us to set up online access for you, we will need to see proof of identification
Once you set up on our system, your records should then transfer to us electronically. Paper records can take slightly longer but in the event we need them. We can contact your previous surgery for a Medical Summary.